信報 | 2023
大新銀行有限公司與童享慈善基金會於上星期六攜手舉辦「中秋環保蠟製燈籠工作坊」義工活動。近 30位大新員工及親友組成大新中秋義工隊,與約40名來自沙田循道衛理小學的學生一同動手製作環保蠟製燈籠
黃巴士 | 2022
一向極其重視STEM教育的基督教香港信義會葵盛信義學校,早前隆重為其STEAM ROOM創客室舉行啟動禮。配合STEM教育及計算思維編程教育的發展,葵盛信義學校於2021年成功申請優質教育基金並獲撥款接近150萬,大力推行「智慧校園STEM學習計劃」,創客室就是計劃中的核心項目。
South China Morning Post | 2022
A green Christmas: children upcycle tin cans into tree ornaments, enjoy sustainably sourced food at event hosted by Hong Kong’s Sino Group
South China Morning Post | 2022
Hong Kong charity’s STEM programme puts real-world solutions into the hands of disadvantaged students
South China Morning Post | 2022
Hong Kong charity and firm add arts, sustainability twist to STEM education for underprivileged children
South China Morning Post | 2022
Slam dunk for charity: Hong Kong bank shoots hoops with underprivileged children in fundraiser for Operation Santa Claus
OWC | 2022
時間對於孩子係抽象嘅概念。而今次嘅Microbit計時器活動,裡面嘅Microbit 程式就如鐘錶零件組裝,需要遂個步驟,按邏輯上於編輯器輸入程式。
小學生亦於創作過程中,可以了解到時間嘅概念,仲一起創作關於與時間有關的計時器實物,同學生們一齊學習觀察、一齊感受時間的神奇、一齊童享時間 同享時間!Take your time!
OWC | 2021
“Make the Time, Share the Joy - Make your creative STEM Robot car” We believed every child has the right to invent, tinker, create, innovate, make and do. Students learned about basic electronics, robotics, and design thinking concepts. Workshop aims at unleashing students’ potential in innovation, improving the communication skill and problem solving.
Robb Report | 2020
"A helping hand": Matthew Ho of Hong Kong Children in Need Foundation discusses the importance of looking beyond academic achievement and the best strategies for making impactful change.
South China Morning Post | 2020
"Hong Kong organisation pushin STEM learning for all is among this year's operation Santa Claus beneficiaries": The Hong Kong Children in Need Foundation is committed to ensuring that all primary students can adapt to an increasingly STEM-centric future.
OWC | 2020
"Make the time, share the joy": Oriental Watch Company and Hong Kong Children in Need Foundation jointly launched this corporate social responsibility initiative, where volunteers and students play korfball – the sport that’s gaining popularity in Hong Kong as it offers true gender equality.
黃巴士 | 2020
"東方表行 x 童享慈善基金會舉辦「童享時間.同享時間」計劃": 近日,東方表行與童享慈善基金會合作舉辦了「童享時間.同享時間」計劃,帶小朋友認識合球等新穎運動,讓他們在課堂外享受及發展個人興趣,培養他們積極及健康的生活態度。
Video | 2020
"Digitalizing STEM education": Matthew Ho of Hong Kong Children in Need Foundation discusses the importance of making sure differences in social and economic status don’t hold some students back in the STEM education field.
South China Morning Post | 2020
"Hong Kong Gold Coast Hotel brings Christmas cheer to city's underprivileged children": Children from the Hong Kong Children in Need Foundation were invited to Hong Kong Gold Coast Hotel for a Christmas workshop.